by Helen Barclay | Dec 2, 2019 | News
Another exceptional event for which we would like to share a briefing update with all of you ……….! This time, London Women Forum launched its first event as part of LWF’s Financial Health Series, in partnership with The WealthiHer Network and J.P. Morgan. The event...
by Helen Barclay | Nov 20, 2019 | Research
As part of the London Women’s Forum updated strategy, we have embarked on a research initiative to support the wider gender agenda and demonstrate certain gender challenges with a focus on financial services. The first of such research pieces is the report produced by...
by Helen Barclay | Jul 23, 2019 | News
Men need to be part of the solution; business and not human resources needs to lead the way; flexible working is essential and has proved a success; job descriptions need to change; and there remains a need to understand why women leave jobs when they reach the higher...
by Helen Barclay | Jun 21, 2019 | Past Events
As part of our London Women’s Forum speaker series of events, Yolaine Kermarrec and Tara Kengla of EY hosted an exclusive event with Victoria Beckham at her store in Mayfair. A unique and exclusive event with Jo Ellison of the Financial Times who held a captivating...
by Helen Barclay | Jun 14, 2019 | Research
THE GENDER PENSIONS GAP – CAN IT BE CLOSED? Published by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) and kindly sponsored by the Defined Contribution Investment Forum (DCIF). Briefing Note 114: The gender pensions gap – can it be closed? This Briefing Note...